Wednesday, September 23, 2015

5th Grade Solo

Auditions for the "When the Lights All Shine" solo for our 5th grade concert will be on Tuesday, September 29 during recess. 

Provided below is a link to an excerpt from the song. Students can use this audio clip to practice the solo at home.


She lit a candle in New Orleans
He lit a candle in Beijing
They lit their candles in Vienna, Havana, Jerusalem, London, Hanoi.

Break a leg!!! Happy practicing :)

Mrs. Caughlan

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Crestwood Chorus Auditions

I am pleased to announce that Crestwood will be starting the "Crestwood Chorus" starting second quarter! I am very excited to be establishing this new tradition at Crestwood.

The Choir is open to students 3-5. Chorus auditions will be held Thursday, October 8 at 8:00 AM in the music room. Students will be singing "My Country 'Tis of Thee" along with other, short exercises given by the teacher.

Here are the lyrics:

My country 'tis of thee,
sweet land of liberty,
of thee I sing.

Land where my fathers died,
land of the pilgrims' pride.
From every mountainside
let freedom ring.

Here is a video for practice at home. Students are strongly encouraged to have this song prepared for the audition. Remember, they only have to sing the first verse.

Students planning to audition should also turn in the form below for auditions. This is so I know which students have permission to audition for Crestwood Chorus. This form will be used during the audition process by Mrs. Caughlan.

 Audition and Information Form

Thank you! I can't wait to hear everyone on October 8!

-Mrs. C

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Classroom Tour

Another great start to the week!

I was so pleased to meet so many parents at the ice cream social and at curriculum night. It is great getting to know you and learn more about the students at Crestwood and their families.

If you were unable to stop by the classroom, take the tour now!! The brand new circle carpet was delivered today! Thank you to Ms. Meese for providing it for our use! The students already want to play on it. Please enjoy the tour of our music room!

5th Grade Nursery Rhymes

This week in music, 5th graders talked briefly about nursery rhymes.

We learned a new song called "Second Story Window". 

Students had to "think of a rhyme and say it in time, then throw it out the window!" The class broke off into two teams. Whichever group could not think of a new rhyme was out! Each rhyme or nursery rhyme was changed to end with "threw it out the window."

Some of their rhymes were very silly with this new ending. Check it out!