Monday, October 20, 2014

Hello there!

"Hello there, how are you? It's so good to see you! We'll sing and be happy that we're all here together again."

Welcome to the blog! GSA students K-2 sing this song as our welcome song every day. Our 1st and 2nd grade students have really improved with our class warm-up. I'm very excited about the musical talent we have this year! The students have really grown!

This year has been full of activity! I've been meaning to post to the blog since the first day of school, but we've been so busy! Our K-2 students spent all of September preparing for two performances, learning over 5 songs in just a few short weeks. Our 1st performance was for the GSA Grand Event, and our second was for a local festival known as Linfest. Oh, did I mention the performances were all in a period of about two days!?!?!?

The kids put on a wonderful performance for our Grant Event. I could not be more impressed and proud of them. Their performance was exceptional and I'm glad they were able to showcase their amazing talents for our grandparents and friends.

Our second performance for Linfest was a terrific way to give back to our local community. Over 130 students from our school volunteered their time on a Saturday to come out and sing for the festival. I was completely blown away by the support of the parents and staff who came out for the performance, and that so many students chose to attend. I could have never imagined so many students would come for the performance! If you're not familiar with GSA, this is a great testament to the kind, supportive, and gracious families and students we have here.
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Now that the busy time is over, I hope to make more regular posts to the blog. I'm going to back myself into a corner here and say there will be a big new entry coming to the "student" section of the website. OK, now that I've said that I have to make it happen right????

Happy 2nd Quarter everyone!

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